Monday, June 15, 2009

What do you see?

So, the question is...what do you see, when you look in the mirror? I mean, when you look in the mirror, just out of the shower? Do you look at yourself and say "Wow, I look pretty dang good today"? Or do you cover up as quickly as possible and cover all the mirrors in the house in fear of having to see yourself IN THE FLESH? For me...I think I have an illusion of what I look like. I still think I am 25 with this really cute figure. Then when I get out of the shower and I truly see what I look like I still tell myself well, this still looks good and if I can just work on this a bit or that a bit, I WILL look 25 again. I really don't see myself as a 41 year old lady. Ooh, GROSS!! Who wants to be a 41 year old lady! HA!
I am not sure where I got this attitude or way of thinking. I don't think it came from my mom. She is the worst at beating herself up, and she is amazing...just as gorgeous and cute as can be. Maybe I got it from my dad. Who knows? Maybe it came from being the oldest child, divorced parents and being a rather independent young lady. Maybe it comes from my Christian faith. Also, I like to see the glass half full. I am always sad when I hear other girls/friends beat themselves up about their appearance...especially when I see just how beautiful they truly are. Maybe we all need to look deeper within ourselves and find the real beauty we have. I mean that type of realization can cover up buckets of cellulite, right?
So, here is the challenge. Learn to love all your parts. Take a good look at yourself. If you are not happy with how certain parts look, for now, absolutely LOVE the other parts. For those parts that don't look so hot...figure out what's not working in your exercise or diet routine and change it up. If you have been doing the same thing over and need to confuse things a bit and allow your body the opportunity to work different ways. This will help those other parts feel the love too. Find a buddy that will build you up and that you can lift as well. Life is too short to go along the journey feeling bad about how you look or feel.
So, have you noticed something about yourself today that is you, only better?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, having a buddy to work out with is key! I am WAY more consistent now that I have a friend I exercise with. I love that I can get a good work out in and a great visit!!
